Who am I?

My name is Rudy Rubio, 49 year old Mexican, born and raised in the hood, by the age of 13 had begun going in and out of jail as a result of being involved with a local gang and all that life entailed. More than 20 years in that lifestyle culminated with me on my knees in a prison cell crying out to God to please save me because I was tired of my lifestyle and wanted to serve Him, if in fact He was real the way I thought He was.

CPITH Rudy 2
Fresh out of Juvenile Probation Camp in ’88
California Youth Authority in ’90
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New Year’s Eve in the hood back in ’94

By God’s grace He saved me, drew me unto Himself and put me through a rigorous training in ministry while I was in prison for the next 2 and a half years. One of the hardest times in my life was being in prison no longer a gangster but a new and developing Christian who was trying to find his identity. No longer a part of a gang but not knowing how to be anything else… it was a very traumatic experience in which many times I thought it best to go back to my previous lifestyle, because at least I knew who I was. But as time went by and I studied God’s Word, I soon discovered that my identity was not in the mistakes I’d made, the gang I’d belonged to for over 20 years, or the long crimanl record I’d managed to establish… my identity was in the risen Christ, who’d chose me before the foundation of the earth, and while I was still a sinner, Jesus died for me…

I am now a Pastor/ Church Planter in the city of Lynwood, which is located in between the cities of Compton and Watts. On Sunday March 25th, 2018 we planted RCLA, Reformed Church of Los Angeles. God knew what He was doing in preparing me with the life experiences that could be used for His purposes in coming back into this area and doing His work. I am a lottery winner and never even purchased a ticket. God smiled upon me when He gifted me my wife Edna and blessed me as the father of 4 kids and 1 son in law and a beautiful granddaughter. I am in love with my wife, my kids, and w/ Jesus. He is our model in loving and serving each other. As you can see, I’m a blogger, host of Hood Grace Podcast, and Chaplain to the LA Dodgers.

Rubio Family
